'A Prarie Home Companion'

'Swan Song'
Robert Altman's latest, and sadly last, picture is one of joyful glee. I have not witnessed one other film this year that was filled with so much homespun joy and delicate poise. Altman has crafted a true gem, one of his best!
The film essays the last broadcast of the radio show 'A Praire Home Companion' hosted by GK. The film includes many Altman trademarks: overlapping dialouge, music and most noteably a large and capeable cast of actors.
As the singing Johnson sister, Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin show a strong report. Their duets on My Minnesota Home and Goodybye to Mama are some of the film's musical highlights. Lindsay Lohan plays Meryl Streeps daughter and does a solid job especially on her own slightly adjusted version of Frankie and Johnny. Part of me wanted to comend Lohan for taking a role in this film, then she tirns around and makes 'Just my Luck', which is a long way from this film in terms of quality ot plot.
Also in the film are classic character from Keilor's actual radio show. Dusty (Woody Harrelson) and Lefty (John C. Reily) are a couple of cowpokes who have a taste for dirty humor. And Guy Nior (A great Kevin Kline) who is a Sam Spade- esque private eye moonlighting as a security guard for the Fitzgerald theater. Noir also nararates. And of course there is GK (Garrison Keilor) the mellow main man.
Now, back to Streep. She gives a powerful performance. That's hard to do when your character is a bit of a floozy. We all know the lady can act but when she opens her mouth and begins to sing, it is a moment of genuine suprise: the lady can realy belt it!
The most remarkable acomplishment of this film is the way Altman and Keilor weave heavy themes, such as death, into a film that floats in on a breeze and brings you through a magical film. Forget hogwarts or The Lord of the Rings, this is true magic: A film about death that breathes so fully and lives so vibrantly.
Grade: A+
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