United 93

'An affecting and fitting tribute to the unlikely heroes who lost their lives'
Are we as Americans ready to see the events of 9/11 re-enacted up on the screens of our local theateres? It's a touchy subject and the makers of 'United 93' are aware of this fact. The walk a delicate tightrope between offending or paying homage to those who lost their lives that fateful day.
With Paul Greengrass at the helm, United 93 manages to become the best film it can be dispite, as I said, touchy subject matter. With the guide of Greengrass' steady hand we are thrusted into the date: September 11, 2001. The film proceeds in real time.
The first half is set in different air traffic control towers across the U.S. They frantically try to stabalize the situation at hand(the hijacking of multiple planes). We know nothing about the people talking except the few details that are mentioned the very day of the hijackings. Greengrass' screenplay never resorts to 'Airport' sterotypes. I am extremley happy to report that no one in this film is slapped and ordered to get a hold of themselves.
The second is just as affecting and sustains the same narritive and technical structure of the first half. Now, we are moved on to United Flight 93. Again, we know very little about the passengers. We hear bits of conversations. It feels as if we are waiting in the airpot terminal with theese people who are essentially complete strangers. Luckily, Greengrass makes sure no passenger on the plane is piolot who no longer flies yet somehow must face his fears and (dramatic pause) FLY THE PLANE!!! The franticness with which the passengers band together has a rather vivid feel to it.
The conclusion is fairly obvious from the word "go". However, Greengrass presents such a compelling portrait we are lost and are near the edge of our seats to view the climax.
That brings us to the climax, which is an oddity. It is simultaneously uplifting and sobering.
Uplifting and Sobering.
Much like the film.
The #3 film of 2006.
Nominated for 3 MovieDude Alternitive Oscars!
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