Rob Zombie's Halloween

'Mikey says Relax'
Rob Zombie's Halloween is the newest film released to churn stomachs and wet pants in multiplexes across the U.S., and while it delivers it share of thrills, the film seems half baked.
Zombie never really takes any huge liberties with the basic story line, except for a few key facts involving Michael's family life and his family in general. Feared killer Michael Myers, has escaped fronm the mental institution and is back in his home town... ready to kill again.
What Zombie presents us with to begin his film is a flash back. A flashback to little Mikey Myers, who has his life in shambles even at age 10. His father is dead, his mother is a stripper, and his sister has loose morals to say the least. Apparently, Ms. Myers has horrible taste in men considering she has a crippled, foul mouthed, horse's ass permenatley slopped on her couch (the vitriolic William Forsythe.) But, Mikey has all the qualities of a healthy kid... you know, like collecting dead animals in his backpack. One day he snaps and you know the rest...
As his Dr. Sam Loomis, Zombie has cast Malcom McDowell. McDowell is very good as Loomis, in my opinion the highlight of the film.
With his last two films, Rob Zombie has fasioned himself as a bit of a grunge filmaking auter, he continues this in Halloween. It is almost exhillarating how refreshing it is to see someone use every horror trick in the book and make it seem so natural. Zombie revels in the boos around each corner. This is a double edged sword. For every re-appearance of Myers, we have dead space. In the original, Carpenter filled every moment with spine tingling suspense. That is the factor Zombie lacks here. That being said he is still an interresting director who truly knows how to frame a death scene.
With so much shit be put out and paraded around as horror, this one actually has a bit more boo in its blood (and there is muck blood spilt.)Eli Roth, take note. Zombie knows how to treat an audience to a good time.
Grade: B